gabriola garden

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Harvest Time Is A Special Time

Harvest time is a special time in every growers life. To see all your hard work pay off (finally) and to realize that those cherry tomatoes you nurtured from seed now offer you such magnificent tasting fruit that you can't believe it--well, it's priceless!

The heirloom and beefsteak tomatoes, even though huge and beautiful in color, are still a bit watery. Perhaps we have to let them ripen some more in the September sun before harvesting them.

Our squash, zucchini, and cucumber plants are producing fruit of high quality. Some species have been chosen to give us huge zucchini's, so the kids could enter them in the zucchini races at the annual Fall Fair.

Yes, it's back to school time and we look back on the bounty of summer with gratitude, but also a bit of sadness. The time went by much too fast. With a few visits to the beach, water parks and the PNE, as well as a quick trip to Harrison Hot Springs, and it's almost time for our annual trip to Telegraph Cove to connect with the Humpback Whales and the Orcas that congregate in the waters near the Cove.

We've continued to eat five kinds of lettuce from our garden for the past month or two, and the plants just regenerate themselves, as long as the warm weather holds up. Yes, some of them have bolted and gone to seed, but we planted plenty of them from seed, so we have a large array of salad greens to choose from--every single night!

Pretty soon it will be time for Canadian Thanksgiving, and Harvest Time is always a time to give thanks!

Thanks to Iguana Juice and the other great Advanced Nutrients products, once again we are the recipients of the produce from Sara's Garden of Delights! :-)

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posted by Tim at 8:35 PM


  • Great results! Looks like the Advanced Nutrients worked well for you again this year!

    By Blogger Thomas, at 1:30 PM  

  • Beautiful pictures as always! Your garden is truly an inspiration!

    By Blogger Thomas, at 11:23 AM  

  • Beautiful as always! Do you tell the neighbors about your secret weapon or do you keep Iguana Juice all to yourself?

    It's tempting for me to hold back so my garden is always just a bit nicer, but I never seem to be able to keep from sharing every tip I can.

    By Blogger Thomas, at 2:48 PM  

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