What Primulas Are Prone To and Bursting Peony Blooms
While there are still healthy tulips left in Sara’s garden, the legacy of the Tulip Breaking Virus is still very much with us. We dug up the infected bulbs and disposed of them, and Sara removed the Daylilies from the infected patch, because our research showed that they were highly susceptible to this virus.
Repeated spraying with Scorpion Juice got rid of the aphids, which was very important, since these bugs vector the virus in question. Sara and I are continuing our research into the other perennials in her garden, to see if any of them are particularly prone to get infected by the tulip virus.
Sara’s Bulles Primrose (Primula x Bullesiana) has just started to bloom, so we quickly found a website that lists all the diseases Primulas are prone to. Among the bacterial diseases, Primrose’s are susceptible to Crown Gall, Bacterial Soft Rot, and Pseudomonas Leaf Spot.
On the fungal front, Primroses might come down with Anthracnose, Botrytis Blight, Powdery Mildew, Phythium Root Rot, Rust, and Rhizoctonia Root and Crown Rot. The nematodes that threaten this lovely flower are Bulb and Stem Nematode, Foliar Nematode, and Lesion Nematode. And I almost forgot the Root-knot Nematode.
Nematodes, sometimes called grubs, are small worms that have the habit of invading the root zone of selected plants and curling up into a ball when unearthed by a trow. They do considerable damage to the plant. By colonizing the roots of all our flowers and vegetables with the microorganisms contained in Piranha, Tarantula, and Voodoo Juice, we help keep nematodes at bay.
The longest list of Primrose susceptibility consists of viral diseases. Sara’s Bulles Primrose is prone to fall prey to the Alfalfa Mosaic, Cucumber Mosaic, Impatient Necrotic Spot, Primula Mosaic, Primula Mottle, Tobacco Necrosis, Tomato Bushy Stunt, and Tomato Spotted Wilt viruses, but NOT, thank heavens, to the Tulip Breaking Virus.
Sara’s Primrose is a spring or early summer blooming perennial that grows two or two and a half feet tall and has layers of flower clusters going up its stem. Its flowers can be purple, yellow, pink, or red. This lovely addition to any garden should be planted twelve inches apart and it requires rich, moist or wet soil.
I’ve sung the praises of Advanced Nutrients Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid before, but whenever rich soil is mentioned I can’t help but to bring them up again. The word humic comes from humus, which is the rich, black, extremely fertile soil that our grandmothers grew all their vegetables in.
These two products are derived from a calcified organic substance known as “leonardite,” which is mined from deep within the earth, usually from the top of deep seated coal beds.
When used in conjunction with all the composted horse manure and kitchen compost that Sara mixes into her soil to create her flower beds, Grandma Enggy’s Humic and Fulvic Acids are responsible for the best environment any gardener can hope for.
Sara is also enthusiastic about our 100% organic fertilizer, Iguana Juice Grow. She points to the lush vegetation throughout her garden as proof of how magic this plant food really is.
Pretty soon we’re switching over to Iguana Juice Bloom. Sara’s Japanese Tree Peony is in full bloom, her Lovely Fairie and the other Roses are thriving. Her Monk’s Hood is shooting up almost to chest-height, and the Anemone is rising up above the garden canopy, where it will soon take its place as the centrepiece of a truly eclectic, English-type garden, albeit grown by a New Zealander.
Johnson’s Blue is a Geranium that started blooming this past week. The purple Perennial Pansy is adding its vibrant color and prolific blooms to the mix. Phlox divaricata carrying the name “Sweet Lilac” gives us fragrant flowers and unlike the other Phlox, it grows only about a foot tall.
Sara’s first Delphinium “Magic Fountain Crystal Mix,” has just started to bloom. Delphinium elatum is a perennial that usually blooms from June to September (I guess June came early to Gabriola this year). It grows about three feet tall and does not require a stake.
It prefers full sun to part shade, and a well-drained soil. Can be brought into the kitchen or living room as cut flowers. Blooms range from blue to lavender to full purple.
We have started to build our annual bean house and the beans are going into the ground this weekend. At present, they are germinating in glass jam jars. Sara has to open the lids of the jars several times a day to keep the seedling from getting moldy.
Some of our Roses have prolific buds on them already. Makes me thing about mixing Carbo Load Powder into our watering tank. Containing Arabinose, Dextrose, Glucose, Maltose, and Xylose, this phenomenal product loads up flowering plants with much needed carbohydrates, so they can build colossal buds and blooms.
The urge to reproduce is a primary urge in all living things. Flowering plants are no exception. Bud formation leads to flower formation, leads to seed formation. Presto, the next generation is assured of its existence. Plants feel this primary urge and know enough to stuff themselves with sugars in order to produce the most outstanding blooms, which eventually produce exemplary seeds. Such is the cycle of lie!
All this talk about susceptibilities and I’m mixing an extra portion of Barricade into our watering mix. The Potassium Silicate in this AN product strengthens the cell walls of all our plants and enables them to ward off pathogens and pests by denying them the nourishment contained in the cells.
Sara’s garden is always changing. It went through an early spring phase with the Crocuses, Daffodils, Hyacinths, and later, Tulips. Now it’s heading into a late spring, early summer pre-bloom stage during which some eager plants are already flowering, even though most of the garden is still going through its vegetative stage.
I planted the season’s first tomato seedlings today and the beans are due to be planted in a few days. Sara says that there are a couple of pumpkin plants starting to grow and cucumbers are soon to follow. This is a long weekend coming up in Canada—Victoria Day—which is usually the time to plant things in your garden.
Repeated spraying with Scorpion Juice got rid of the aphids, which was very important, since these bugs vector the virus in question. Sara and I are continuing our research into the other perennials in her garden, to see if any of them are particularly prone to get infected by the tulip virus.
Sara’s Bulles Primrose (Primula x Bullesiana) has just started to bloom, so we quickly found a website that lists all the diseases Primulas are prone to. Among the bacterial diseases, Primrose’s are susceptible to Crown Gall, Bacterial Soft Rot, and Pseudomonas Leaf Spot.
On the fungal front, Primroses might come down with Anthracnose, Botrytis Blight, Powdery Mildew, Phythium Root Rot, Rust, and Rhizoctonia Root and Crown Rot. The nematodes that threaten this lovely flower are Bulb and Stem Nematode, Foliar Nematode, and Lesion Nematode. And I almost forgot the Root-knot Nematode.
Nematodes, sometimes called grubs, are small worms that have the habit of invading the root zone of selected plants and curling up into a ball when unearthed by a trow. They do considerable damage to the plant. By colonizing the roots of all our flowers and vegetables with the microorganisms contained in Piranha, Tarantula, and Voodoo Juice, we help keep nematodes at bay.
The longest list of Primrose susceptibility consists of viral diseases. Sara’s Bulles Primrose is prone to fall prey to the Alfalfa Mosaic, Cucumber Mosaic, Impatient Necrotic Spot, Primula Mosaic, Primula Mottle, Tobacco Necrosis, Tomato Bushy Stunt, and Tomato Spotted Wilt viruses, but NOT, thank heavens, to the Tulip Breaking Virus.
Sara’s Primrose is a spring or early summer blooming perennial that grows two or two and a half feet tall and has layers of flower clusters going up its stem. Its flowers can be purple, yellow, pink, or red. This lovely addition to any garden should be planted twelve inches apart and it requires rich, moist or wet soil.
I’ve sung the praises of Advanced Nutrients Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid before, but whenever rich soil is mentioned I can’t help but to bring them up again. The word humic comes from humus, which is the rich, black, extremely fertile soil that our grandmothers grew all their vegetables in.
These two products are derived from a calcified organic substance known as “leonardite,” which is mined from deep within the earth, usually from the top of deep seated coal beds.
When used in conjunction with all the composted horse manure and kitchen compost that Sara mixes into her soil to create her flower beds, Grandma Enggy’s Humic and Fulvic Acids are responsible for the best environment any gardener can hope for.
Sara is also enthusiastic about our 100% organic fertilizer, Iguana Juice Grow. She points to the lush vegetation throughout her garden as proof of how magic this plant food really is.
Pretty soon we’re switching over to Iguana Juice Bloom. Sara’s Japanese Tree Peony is in full bloom, her Lovely Fairie and the other Roses are thriving. Her Monk’s Hood is shooting up almost to chest-height, and the Anemone is rising up above the garden canopy, where it will soon take its place as the centrepiece of a truly eclectic, English-type garden, albeit grown by a New Zealander.
Johnson’s Blue is a Geranium that started blooming this past week. The purple Perennial Pansy is adding its vibrant color and prolific blooms to the mix. Phlox divaricata carrying the name “Sweet Lilac” gives us fragrant flowers and unlike the other Phlox, it grows only about a foot tall.
Sara’s first Delphinium “Magic Fountain Crystal Mix,” has just started to bloom. Delphinium elatum is a perennial that usually blooms from June to September (I guess June came early to Gabriola this year). It grows about three feet tall and does not require a stake.
It prefers full sun to part shade, and a well-drained soil. Can be brought into the kitchen or living room as cut flowers. Blooms range from blue to lavender to full purple.
We have started to build our annual bean house and the beans are going into the ground this weekend. At present, they are germinating in glass jam jars. Sara has to open the lids of the jars several times a day to keep the seedling from getting moldy.
Some of our Roses have prolific buds on them already. Makes me thing about mixing Carbo Load Powder into our watering tank. Containing Arabinose, Dextrose, Glucose, Maltose, and Xylose, this phenomenal product loads up flowering plants with much needed carbohydrates, so they can build colossal buds and blooms.
The urge to reproduce is a primary urge in all living things. Flowering plants are no exception. Bud formation leads to flower formation, leads to seed formation. Presto, the next generation is assured of its existence. Plants feel this primary urge and know enough to stuff themselves with sugars in order to produce the most outstanding blooms, which eventually produce exemplary seeds. Such is the cycle of lie!
All this talk about susceptibilities and I’m mixing an extra portion of Barricade into our watering mix. The Potassium Silicate in this AN product strengthens the cell walls of all our plants and enables them to ward off pathogens and pests by denying them the nourishment contained in the cells.
Sara’s garden is always changing. It went through an early spring phase with the Crocuses, Daffodils, Hyacinths, and later, Tulips. Now it’s heading into a late spring, early summer pre-bloom stage during which some eager plants are already flowering, even though most of the garden is still going through its vegetative stage.
I planted the season’s first tomato seedlings today and the beans are due to be planted in a few days. Sara says that there are a couple of pumpkin plants starting to grow and cucumbers are soon to follow. This is a long weekend coming up in Canada—Victoria Day—which is usually the time to plant things in your garden.
posted by Tim at
8:08 PM